When I run a time-consuming batch file that executes perl scripts or XSLT stylesheets on hundreds of files, I usually end the batch file with an echo
command with only a Control-G as its output, so that a beep lets me know that the job is done. Processing some client files while watching Mark Birbeck speak at XML 2008, I knew it would be rude to have my computer emit such an obnoxious beep, so I found a nice alternative: a command line way to display a message box about my task being finished using only native Windows features.
First, I needed a short Windows JavaScript script like this, which I called msgbox.js:
if (WScript.Arguments.length < 1) { msg = "No message supplied" } else { msg = ""; for (i = 0; i < WScript.Arguments.length; i++) { msg = msg + WScript.Arguments.Item(i) + " "; } } WScript.Echo(msg);
If it's invoked with any arguments, it displays them as the text of a message box.
Then, I wrote this one-line batch file, which I called msgbox.bat, to call the JavaScript script:
wscript \util\msgbox.js %*
WScript is the more Windows-oriented sibling of CScript, the Windows JavaScript engine that I've written about before. They're both included with Windows.
Now, if I end a batch file with this line,
msgbox Yo! The fixfiles.bat batch file is all done.
the message box shown above displays.
Of course there are dozens of other ways to display a message box, but it's always nice to find a way to do something useful with minimal code and no downloaded or newly purchased software.
Thank you very much for that information, did not know WScript.
Hi, thanks for the post. I have looked for a fast and simple way to display a message box under Windows. And I have found it ! =)